6 Inspirational Quotes from the film World’s Fastest Indian

1. “If you don’t follow through on your dreams, you might as well be a vegetable.” – World’s Fastest Indian

The above is a great quote from the film and it is part of the message we aim to write about here at InspirationTheRide.com.

We want to provide great quotes that we hope inspire you to take action because they have inspired us to take action.

And, if you don’t take action on fulfilling your dreams that only you know in your heart, you may as well be a vegetable….

The World’s Fastest Indian is about a man who never gave up on his dream regardless of his critics and the naysayers. Watch a clip and the trailer here:

2. “Danger is the spice of life. You got to take a risk every now and again… That’s what makes life worthwhile. I’ve always tried to never be scared of anything. Of course I get butterflies and nervous.” – World’s Fastest Indian

The above is another great quote we pulled from the film. Danger can also be interpreted by some as change and this prohibits them from taking action. What you have to do then is acknowledge that we all get these “butterflies” of nervousness, but that shouldn’t stop you from making life worthwhile. We all have our setbacks and get nervous about the fear of failure, but what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.

3. “It’s not the critic that counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could’ve done them better – the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.”- Theodore Roosevelt as quoted in World’s Fastest Indian Continue reading 6 Inspirational Quotes from the film World’s Fastest Indian

Waking Up to Life – A Philosophy of Life

(Photo Copyright Elliot Lozano – Riviera Maya, Mexico)

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon

When it all boils down to it, we are all trying to attract or intend something (or many things) into our lives, whether it is a job, more money, a better relationship, happiness or any other desire of life. The list goes on and on and is individual to each of us. We all just want to be happy and fulfilled. The definition of happiness and fulfillment is in itself unique to each of us and gives life meaning.

For us, we have gone down the path towards fulfillment. We have had lots of great fun and enjoyment traveling, spending time with friends and family, endeavoring in many business opportunities, and seeking spiritual enlightenment. All of this has led to us waking up to life and creating a philosophy of life. Continue reading Waking Up to Life – A Philosophy of Life

Wayne Dyer’s Power of Intention – A Book that Can Change Your Life

(Photo Copyright Elliot Lozano – Chaco Canyon, New Mexico)

We can either learn through the school of hard knocks or we can learn easier through the wisdom of others that we in turn implement and try out for ourselves.

On this site, we aim to save you time and help you avoid the school of hard knocks by providing condensed and relevant wisdom from our research and experience for you to study and implement into your life. (This is the same thing we have been doing with our families for years.)

One such source of wisdom is Wayne Dyer’s Power of Intention book in which he researched “hundreds of books by psychological, sociological, and spiritual writers; ancient and modern scholars; and academic researchers.” Wayne Dyer, Power of Intention

He condensed hundreds of books into his Power of Intention Manual. Something I am sure none of us have had the time to do. Continue reading Wayne Dyer’s Power of Intention – A Book that Can Change Your Life

What Will Your Last Words Be?

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano – Jericoacoara, Brazil )

After living a miserable life, Ivan Ilyich’s, the main character from Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich, last words on his deathbed were, “What if my whole life has been wrong?” (Ours will be, “That was a hell of a ride!”)

No one wants to think of themselves saying these profound words on their deathbeds.

Why, then, do so many people choose to live mediocre lives ultimately leaving themselves open for such a harsh end?

We believe it lies largely upon a person’s inability to grow and develop and push their lives to the maximum for their own sake, for their own unique purpose. It is important for finding your life purpose before your dying words because we can all make a difference.

Most people are not living up to their true potential. Most people have given up. Most people have not accomplished the things in their life that are important to them (or are at least going after them).

We provide ideas that will help you along your life path. Continue reading What Will Your Last Words Be?

How Do You Eat an Elephant? (Dealing with Information Overload)

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano)

Answer – One bite at a time…

To take control of your life you must take that first bite out of that huge elephant called information and action. Everyone faces similar obstacles on how to digest and implement the gauntlet of new information and ideas that we are constantly exposed to and expected to consume. We are faced with information overload almost daily. The problem isn’t having enough information, the problem is sorting through it for information implementation. Not only must we read, watch and learn from many sources, we must also implement the relevant information into our lives.

Knowledge without action is useless. It is through action that we grow, our lives get better, and we attain a sense of fulfillment.

But, how do you take action?

Continue reading How Do You Eat an Elephant? (Dealing with Information Overload)

"Inspiring Ideas for Achieving Fulfillment on the Exciting Ride of Your Life!"