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Jamie Oliver – A Passionate and Inspiring Humanitarian

There are many aspects of living a fulfilling, fun life and one important element is your health and physical well-being. How else can you live the exciting ride of your life if you don’t take care of your body?

In this article, I share a story of an individual I believe is doing a tremendous job in raising awareness about the food we eat to contribute to a better life for yourself, your loved ones, and the rest of humanity.

Recently I came across the award speech for TED Prize winner Jamie Oliver. The speech inspired me to the point of tears.

Jamie Oliver is a chef from the UK who is somewhat of a media mogul. He has TV shows, many best-selling books, a magazine, kitchen products and many other creative pursuits.

He is very passionate about saving the health of humanity with his Food Revolution project. This project is tackling the global epidemic of obesity, heart disease and other diseases caused from our modern lifestyle.

He is starting the Food Revolution in the U.S. with hopes that if he can inspire America to change, America can then lead the rest of the world to change. It’s all about community, health and living a long happy life.

His mission is:

“I wish for everyone to help create a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity.” -Jamie Oliver TED 2010

Please watch the inspiring video below and I hope it inspires you to take action in your own lives and the lives of those you care about. Enjoy!

Back in the Saddle Again…

(Photo: Lencois, Brazil)

As Aerosmith so eloquently put it, we’re “back in the saddle” again… and we’re ready to rock it!

After taking a short sabbatical to move to San Francisco, have some rest and relaxation, and experience new things, we are back in the saddle bringing you fresh exciting new content here at

This new content, as always, will be coming purely from our spirits and quest to help humanity live a fulfilling, rewarding, and extraordinary life. We are re-charged and have many ideas for varying forms of content we will be providing in the coming months that we hope moves and inspires you.

With our move to San Francisco, we have once again recreated our lives in the vision that we created for ourselves. In the process of our re-creation and re-birth, we have gained new insights for living that we want to share. We literally manifested every single aspect of our new life here. You can do the same! (as we mentioned in our vision binder article 🙂 )

Photo Copyright Elliot Lozano 'Golden Gate' San Francisco, CA USA

With spring just a few days away, let us all be reminded of its essence signifying coming out of hibernation and into a period of renewal and change.

Let us use this period to live, laugh and love as if there might not be a tomorrow.

Thanks for all your support and we look forward to connecting with you soon.

(As an aside, the photo from above is a picture of Terrah taken in Brazil while she was traveling there for four months. You can read more about her experiences there in her popular article 13 Life Lessons Learned from My i-to-i Travel Experience.)

The New Age Label Is B.S.

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano ‘Hooded AvatarBudapest, Hungary)

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” – King James Holy Bible – Galatians 6:7-9

In my previous post I discussed meditating and manifesting. In many articles on this site we discuss ideas for creating the life you uniquely desire. Overall, our purpose here is to provide ideas for achieving fulfillment; fulfillment being a deeper sense of happiness or enlightenment for yourself and those you love. (not sure what’s wrong with that!)

We discuss a variety of ideas in different areas of life that we believe are vital to achieving fulfillment including meditation, travel & culture , spirituality, philanthropy, relationships, health, well-being, and passion & excitement. We focus on all of these areas because they are part of living a well-rounded deeply-fulfilling life. We also focus on making them fun and exciting, hence our site name.

All of these concepts are considered by many to be ‘New Age’. The Wikipedia definition of New Age states it is “a decentralized Western social and spiritual movement that seeks ‘Universal Truth’ and the attainment of the highest individual human potential.”

However, many people think of ‘New Age’ as being anything that contradicts the traditional dogmatic ideals of the large religions, such as Christianity. For example, when we discuss topics on this site, some people tend to say, “I don’t believe in that New Age stuff.”

For the purposes of this article, I am referring to this latter mis-understanding of ‘New Age.’

It is this ignorance and mis-understanding of the real essence of New Age that is B.S.

After hearing many people discuss and tell me what real ‘reality’ is, I wanted to provide this article as a rebuttal and state that your reality is yours to create. That’s what every spiritual religion says and what the real essence of New Age is about.

I have provided the excerpt above from the Bible as a foundation for our Western thinking readers. Most Westerners and religious zealots call what we write about on this site NEW AGE.

None of what we discuss is NEW AGE. It has been discussed by religions and spiritual leaders for centuries from all cultures since the dawn of man. (I’ll mention some of these cultures later, but for now, I want to get to the point.) Continue reading The New Age Label Is B.S.