Category Archives: Purpose

The New Age Label Is B.S.

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano ‘Hooded AvatarBudapest, Hungary)

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” – King James Holy Bible – Galatians 6:7-9

In my previous post I discussed meditating and manifesting. In many articles on this site we discuss ideas for creating the life you uniquely desire. Overall, our purpose here is to provide ideas for achieving fulfillment; fulfillment being a deeper sense of happiness or enlightenment for yourself and those you love. (not sure what’s wrong with that!)

We discuss a variety of ideas in different areas of life that we believe are vital to achieving fulfillment including meditation, travel & culture , spirituality, philanthropy, relationships, health, well-being, and passion & excitement. We focus on all of these areas because they are part of living a well-rounded deeply-fulfilling life. We also focus on making them fun and exciting, hence our site name.

All of these concepts are considered by many to be ‘New Age’. The Wikipedia definition of New Age states it is “a decentralized Western social and spiritual movement that seeks ‘Universal Truth’ and the attainment of the highest individual human potential.”

However, many people think of ‘New Age’ as being anything that contradicts the traditional dogmatic ideals of the large religions, such as Christianity. For example, when we discuss topics on this site, some people tend to say, “I don’t believe in that New Age stuff.”

For the purposes of this article, I am referring to this latter mis-understanding of ‘New Age.’

It is this ignorance and mis-understanding of the real essence of New Age that is B.S.

After hearing many people discuss and tell me what real ‘reality’ is, I wanted to provide this article as a rebuttal and state that your reality is yours to create. That’s what every spiritual religion says and what the real essence of New Age is about.

I have provided the excerpt above from the Bible as a foundation for our Western thinking readers. Most Westerners and religious zealots call what we write about on this site NEW AGE.

None of what we discuss is NEW AGE. It has been discussed by religions and spiritual leaders for centuries from all cultures since the dawn of man. (I’ll mention some of these cultures later, but for now, I want to get to the point.) Continue reading The New Age Label Is B.S.

Make Money Doing What You Love: Recommendation of Yaro Starak’s & Gideon Shalwick’s Products

Photo Credit: / CC BY 2.0

Background Story:

Have you ever wondered how you can strike a balance between making a living and doing what you love using your passions and talents to serve others? (To symbolize this balance, we chose the photograph of money with Gandhi above.)

This was a question that we pondered prior to stumbling upon blogging and launching this site,

Briefly, after a series of events (which Elliot mentioned in his article Expressing Gratitude, Embracing Uncertainty & Seizing the Day: Reflections on My Birthday), we accidentally stumbled upon the idea of blogging. During this period, we researched much information on the internet and in print. We searched for the best books and read reviews to see which ones would suit our purposes.

After much research, we purchased the items we actually recommend on our Blogging Resources page.

We read The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging which gives you a sense of purpose with blogging. We also read Problogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income for the making money aspect, which was a fine book in and of itself.

Finally, after reading these two books and actually seeing Yaro Starak’s products being advertised on Darren Rowse’s Problogger website, we decided to give it a go. We signed up for Yaro’s email newsletter as well as received copies of all of the free reports (Roadmap to Become a Blogger, Blog Profits Blueprint, and Membership Site Masterplan).

The free reports and the videos provided lots of quality information for free. And, the funny thing was that we had just happened to sign up for his email newsletter just as Yaro Starak and Gideon Shalwick were re-opening their Become-A-Blogger program.

We lucked out and got in.

The information they provided was great. Gideon’s videos walk you step-by-step through the process of learning how to use the WordPress blogging platform and adding all the extras to make your blog look professional to be able to make money.

Now, we’re not going to write an in-depth review of these products because that’s not what this site is about; however, what we will mention is the aspect of using these products to make money doing what you love. Before moving on, however, we did want to say that we like and recommend Yaro’s and Gideon’s products. (NOTE: this is not about a get-rich-quick scheme; anything worth doing takes lots of effort and hard work.)

So, how do you go about making money doing what you love?

Well, first you have to ask yourself (and answer) – what are your passions and talents? As the saying goes, if you love what you’re doing you never work a day in your life.

Have you always wanted to make a living by expressing your passions and talents? And if you don’t know what your passions and talents are, the easiest way to figure them out is to make a list of all the things you enjoy doing.

Can any of these interests translate into a product or service which you can make a living by teaching or helping others?

  • Do you like to write?
  • Do you have a great eye for photographs?
  • Do you love dogs?
  • Are you the best Italian cook you know?

The list can go on and on. Things that may seem to be a hobby for you could turn into a livelihood.

And, this is where Yaro Starak’s and Gideon Shalwick’s products come into play. They all help you take your passions and talents to create a product or service so that you can get paid to do what you love. Their free reports are all worth reading and reviewing. These reports go much more in depth on considering your passions and talents for using blogging and/or membership sites to make a living online.

The 3 products from Yaro Starak featuring 1 partnered with Gideon Shalwick…

Continue reading Make Money Doing What You Love: Recommendation of Yaro Starak’s & Gideon Shalwick’s Products

Expressing Gratitude, Embracing Uncertainty & Seizing the Day: Reflections on My Birthday

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano, ‘Sand Dune’ Jericoacoara, Brazil)

Expressing Gratitude

I am grateful for everything that has come into my life during these 27 years on this earth. Everything that has happened to me has shaped me into the person I have become and am becoming.

I am grateful to my wife, family, friends, and experiences.

And, most of all, I am grateful to becoming more aware of embracing uncertainty in life to be able to live my life as completely as I can. As Jack Canfield said in The Secret, “Imagine yourself driving from LA to NY at night. How would you do it? You would have your lights on and the road would be unfolding 200 yards at a time.”

Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano, 'Road to Jeri' Jericoacoara, Brazil
Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano, 'Road to Jeri' Jericoacoara, Brazil

Embracing Uncertainty

Let’s think about this. You only see a small portion of the road for every 200 yards. You can’t see the entire way. So, at each 200 yards, you have to re-assess the situation. You have to see if there is ice up ahead, roadblocks, traffic stops, is your exit coming soon? Sometimes we all plan this down to the smallest detail. But sometimes it’s more enjoyable to just embrace uncertainty and allow things to pop up in life.

If you had asked me a few months back if I was going to be a writer/blogger, I wouldn’t have known.  I honestly didn’t know a whole lot about blogging and becoming a writer was something I saw in the far future.

The path that led us to this juncture in our lives, to this blog and many other things, came from embarking on a spiritual quest and following our intuition.

A Story:

A few months ago my wife Terrah and I decided to make some changes in our lives and moved apartments. Shortly after our move was completed, Terrah got sick (which is unusual for her) and this slowed us down from working on what we had pre-determined were our plans. When she got sick, we took the signal to mean that the universe, God, Budda, Allah, Rah, Krishna, Higher Power (whatever you call it) had grander plans than we did for our lives.

The universe led us to the next feeling that acting on our original plans didn’t feel right with our Being, our gut, or our instincts (whatever you want to call it). So, I felt the need to read more about intention and manifesting in our lives.

This signal led me to finding and subsequently reading Wayne Dyer’s The Power of Intention. Subsequently finding this book after feeling this intuition could merely be called a coincidence. I don’t believe it was a coincidence because I believe everything happens for a reason. (And if you are reading this now and something pops out at you, will you take it as a coincidence and brush it off like Scrooge and say, “Bah Hum Bug”? or will you embrace your intuition and act?)

Anyhow, long story short, by embracing uncertainty and intuition and ACTING upon those feelings, the path of reading Power of Intention took me to discovering blogging. A series of seeming coincidences collided to produce the manifestation of my passions through writing and helping people.

For taking these steps, I am happier and more fulfilled doing what I love. Continue reading Expressing Gratitude, Embracing Uncertainty & Seizing the Day: Reflections on My Birthday

What Will Your Last Words Be?

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano – Jericoacoara, Brazil )

After living a miserable life, Ivan Ilyich’s, the main character from Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich, last words on his deathbed were, “What if my whole life has been wrong?” (Ours will be, “That was a hell of a ride!”)

No one wants to think of themselves saying these profound words on their deathbeds.

Why, then, do so many people choose to live mediocre lives ultimately leaving themselves open for such a harsh end?

We believe it lies largely upon a person’s inability to grow and develop and push their lives to the maximum for their own sake, for their own unique purpose. It is important for finding your life purpose before your dying words because we can all make a difference.

Most people are not living up to their true potential. Most people have given up. Most people have not accomplished the things in their life that are important to them (or are at least going after them).

We provide ideas that will help you along your life path. Continue reading What Will Your Last Words Be?