Category Archives: Motivation

Stop Sedating Yourself Through Life

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano – Savusavu, Fiji)

Most people just go through life trying to sedate themselves with anything to avoid their misery. They get lost in movies, television, drinking, too much sleep. They get lost in whatever they can to let life pass them by that much quicker. For what, so they can reach the end of their lives as quickly as possible?

Why would you want to live such a life?

Why don’t you just take a moment to appreciate how much you have going in your life, no matter how small. Revel in the greatness of the smallest moment.

As the small moments add up, they get bigger and bigger.

You can begin to feel joy in your life again.

What this really comes down to is being alive.

This means doing what YOU LOVE, what makes your heart race, and what makes you want to jump out of bed. Seize the day and live your life to the fullest. Carpe Diem! Continue reading Stop Sedating Yourself Through Life