Category Archives: Meditation

A Simple Way to Meditate & Manifest: Just Breathe

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano ‘Awareness’ Santa Fe, NM USA)

“Practice of meditation… when you go into silence you find that silent space between your thoughts is a field of infinite possibilities, is a field where everything is connected to everything else, is a field where in the proliferation of uncertainty there are leaps of creativity. There’s nothing more joyful than a leap of creativity.

In that space there is something called observer effect which means the power to manifest through intention. Intention orchestrated in the field of silence orchestrates its own fulfillment. That’s the real law of attraction, that’s the real secret.”Deepak Chopra as quoted from his film The Happiness Prescription.

I mentioned Deepak Chopra’s great quote because I believe it is a great insight from my comprehensive study and synthesis of information from the law of attraction, spirituality, nuclear engineering, philosophy, religion, and physics (which I mentioned studying here Destined for Greatness – A Story on the Importance of Learning How to Learn).

The insight is that simple meditation through just breathing not only helps you feel happier, calmer, and less stressed in everyday life, simply breathing also helps you manifest your heart’s desires.

The reason I included ‘a simple way’ in the article’s title is because in our society we tend to over complicate things. Sometimes things don’t need to be complicated. Therefore, make it simple and in this case just breathe.

This article provides a three-step process for a simple way to meditate and manifest by taking a moment to just breathe. Meditation through simply breathing has many benefits such as a way to relax, reduce stress, enhanced overall well being and/or finding the way to happiness and spiritual enlightenment.

When you come from a place of calm and cool in your mind/body, you are able to participate in the dance of creation. You realize that you are a part of the same source as everyone else. I am that source. We are that source. Everything is that source. And that source is all there is.

Simply breathing is a simple way to meditate. Just focus on the breath. We already have to breathe as part of our life force. Why not go the extra step and just get lost in the breath? Get lost in your life force. Get lost in the breath that continues to give you life.

By focusing on the breath, we are able to simply feel better. We allow ourselves to bring in more of the air that sustains our life force.

It is already natural for you.

The 3 Simple Step Process to Just Breathe to Meditate & Manifest… Continue reading A Simple Way to Meditate & Manifest: Just Breathe

Create the Life You Desire: How to Make a Vision Binder and Intention List

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano ‘Stone Road’ Gocek, Turkey)

In this article which is organized in three parts, I discuss the steps in creating a vision binder, intention list, and a regular manifestation practice to create the life you want.

Part 1: The process of creating the Vision Binder.

One of the greatest things you can do to imagine and create your ideal life is to create a vision board (or actually a vision binder as I will discuss!).

A vision board is essentially a canvas of images that remind you of the life you want for yourself.  We first learned about this from watching The Secret and hearing John Assaraf talk about the importance of visualization.

Many great teachers explain how to do this. They tell you to create a large board you can look at and meditate to often that contains visual images of ideas and/or objects you want or desire in your life.

This all makes sense in theory but for us there were a couple logistical problems.

Problem #1

You are supposed to keep your desires to yourself or, at most, to yourself and your close partner/husband/friend. If you show your visions to others your ego becomes involved and that is exactly what you want to avoid. Having your ego involved means your goals are no longer about what you truly want; it becomes what you want to show other people you are or have.

For us, this meant that anytime we had people over (which we like to do often) we had to take our vision boards off the wall.  To make matters worse we had two cork boards each, so four total (we have a big vision, lol). This was very cumbersome and you feel that you are blocking your visions by turning them backwards to hide them from others (and yourself).

This could be different if you have an extremely private bedroom in which there is no way anyone other than yourself and your partner would walk into your bedroom.

However, there are still exceptions to when people would still have to enter your bedroom such as maintenance people or friends/relatives that like tours of your home.

Problem #2

Once vision boards are filled they are filled and you are out of space, unless of course you add another board.

Solution: Vision Binder! Continue reading Create the Life You Desire: How to Make a Vision Binder and Intention List