Category Archives: Life Path

Expressing Gratitude, Embracing Uncertainty & Seizing the Day: Reflections on My Birthday

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano, ‘Sand Dune’ Jericoacoara, Brazil)

Expressing Gratitude

I am grateful for everything that has come into my life during these 27 years on this earth. Everything that has happened to me has shaped me into the person I have become and am becoming.

I am grateful to my wife, family, friends, and experiences.

And, most of all, I am grateful to becoming more aware of embracing uncertainty in life to be able to live my life as completely as I can. As Jack Canfield said in The Secret, “Imagine yourself driving from LA to NY at night. How would you do it? You would have your lights on and the road would be unfolding 200 yards at a time.”

Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano, 'Road to Jeri' Jericoacoara, Brazil
Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano, 'Road to Jeri' Jericoacoara, Brazil

Embracing Uncertainty

Let’s think about this. You only see a small portion of the road for every 200 yards. You can’t see the entire way. So, at each 200 yards, you have to re-assess the situation. You have to see if there is ice up ahead, roadblocks, traffic stops, is your exit coming soon? Sometimes we all plan this down to the smallest detail. But sometimes it’s more enjoyable to just embrace uncertainty and allow things to pop up in life.

If you had asked me a few months back if I was going to be a writer/blogger, I wouldn’t have known.  I honestly didn’t know a whole lot about blogging and becoming a writer was something I saw in the far future.

The path that led us to this juncture in our lives, to this blog and many other things, came from embarking on a spiritual quest and following our intuition.

A Story:

A few months ago my wife Terrah and I decided to make some changes in our lives and moved apartments. Shortly after our move was completed, Terrah got sick (which is unusual for her) and this slowed us down from working on what we had pre-determined were our plans. When she got sick, we took the signal to mean that the universe, God, Budda, Allah, Rah, Krishna, Higher Power (whatever you call it) had grander plans than we did for our lives.

The universe led us to the next feeling that acting on our original plans didn’t feel right with our Being, our gut, or our instincts (whatever you want to call it). So, I felt the need to read more about intention and manifesting in our lives.

This signal led me to finding and subsequently reading Wayne Dyer’s The Power of Intention. Subsequently finding this book after feeling this intuition could merely be called a coincidence. I don’t believe it was a coincidence because I believe everything happens for a reason. (And if you are reading this now and something pops out at you, will you take it as a coincidence and brush it off like Scrooge and say, “Bah Hum Bug”? or will you embrace your intuition and act?)

Anyhow, long story short, by embracing uncertainty and intuition and ACTING upon those feelings, the path of reading Power of Intention took me to discovering blogging. A series of seeming coincidences collided to produce the manifestation of my passions through writing and helping people.

For taking these steps, I am happier and more fulfilled doing what I love. Continue reading Expressing Gratitude, Embracing Uncertainty & Seizing the Day: Reflections on My Birthday

How Do You Eat an Elephant? (Dealing with Information Overload)

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano)

Answer – One bite at a time…

To take control of your life you must take that first bite out of that huge elephant called information and action. Everyone faces similar obstacles on how to digest and implement the gauntlet of new information and ideas that we are constantly exposed to and expected to consume. We are faced with information overload almost daily. The problem isn’t having enough information, the problem is sorting through it for information implementation. Not only must we read, watch and learn from many sources, we must also implement the relevant information into our lives.

Knowledge without action is useless. It is through action that we grow, our lives get better, and we attain a sense of fulfillment.

But, how do you take action?

Continue reading How Do You Eat an Elephant? (Dealing with Information Overload)

Destined for Greatness – A Story on the Importance of Learning How to Learn

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Before I get into the heart of this post, I wanted to provide you with a compelling reason for reading this article. I mean, Why should you listen to what I have to say? Why I am telling this story? Why does this matter to you?

Because by listening to what I have to say on the importance of learning how to learn, I hope you acquire the confidence to do it yourself.

“Great ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance; what will your contribution be?” – quoted from the film “The Emperor’s Club”.

The question on the table is, What will your contribution be? What is it you want to do in your life?

After thinking about it, just learn it and do it!

And if you think you are not smart enough to do this, as the prolific inventor Thomas Edison once said, “Intelligence is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” I can tell you from my own experience, most of my success can come down to pure hard work backed by research, trial and error.

Everyone could be destined for greatness if they would just realize their potential. Continue reading Destined for Greatness – A Story on the Importance of Learning How to Learn