Category Archives: Happiness

The New Age Label Is B.S.

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano ‘Hooded AvatarBudapest, Hungary)

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” – King James Holy Bible – Galatians 6:7-9

In my previous post I discussed meditating and manifesting. In many articles on this site we discuss ideas for creating the life you uniquely desire. Overall, our purpose here is to provide ideas for achieving fulfillment; fulfillment being a deeper sense of happiness or enlightenment for yourself and those you love. (not sure what’s wrong with that!)

We discuss a variety of ideas in different areas of life that we believe are vital to achieving fulfillment including meditation, travel & culture , spirituality, philanthropy, relationships, health, well-being, and passion & excitement. We focus on all of these areas because they are part of living a well-rounded deeply-fulfilling life. We also focus on making them fun and exciting, hence our site name.

All of these concepts are considered by many to be ‘New Age’. The Wikipedia definition of New Age states it is “a decentralized Western social and spiritual movement that seeks ‘Universal Truth’ and the attainment of the highest individual human potential.”

However, many people think of ‘New Age’ as being anything that contradicts the traditional dogmatic ideals of the large religions, such as Christianity. For example, when we discuss topics on this site, some people tend to say, “I don’t believe in that New Age stuff.”

For the purposes of this article, I am referring to this latter mis-understanding of ‘New Age.’

It is this ignorance and mis-understanding of the real essence of New Age that is B.S.

After hearing many people discuss and tell me what real ‘reality’ is, I wanted to provide this article as a rebuttal and state that your reality is yours to create. That’s what every spiritual religion says and what the real essence of New Age is about.

I have provided the excerpt above from the Bible as a foundation for our Western thinking readers. Most Westerners and religious zealots call what we write about on this site NEW AGE.

None of what we discuss is NEW AGE. It has been discussed by religions and spiritual leaders for centuries from all cultures since the dawn of man. (I’ll mention some of these cultures later, but for now, I want to get to the point.) Continue reading The New Age Label Is B.S.

14 Keys to Happiness for the Holidays & Beyond

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano ‘Gathering’ Bloomington, IN USA)

Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season here in the states. This time of year brings about many of the essences of the human spirit that are repressed throughout the year.

We seem to forget about all these when the holidays are over. However, the keys to a happy life in general are provided in expressing them on a daily basis in all that you do; making them a part of your being.

In the past here at, we have discussed the importance of practicing random acts of kindness.

We discussed how these random acts of kindness not only help change the world but also how they make everyone involved HAPPIER in the process.

The person receiving the kindness, the person giving the kindness, and the person observing the kindness feel happier because of naturally raised serotonin levels from the experience.

In the same way that you would apply kindness, let us apply these essences on a daily basis as keys to achieving happiness.

We believe each of these words speak for themselves. Please take the essence of each and apply it in your daily life. Let us all really feel them in our lives and share them with others through our presence and application.

14 Keys to Happiness for the Holidays & Beyond:

  1. Gratitude,
  2. Kindness,
  3. Family,
  4. Friends,
  5. Love,
  6. Time,
  7. Fulfillment,
  8. Good Food,
  9. Good Times,
  10. Good Memories,
  11. Giving,
  12. Receiving,
  13. Abundance,
  14. And Emotions such as Joy, Tears, & Laughter

If you think we missed one or would like to expand on one yourself, please feel free to make a comment below and engage in your favorite social media.

Sharing a Piece of Inspiration… Ben Harper’s Better Way Song

“What good is a man that won’t take a stand? What good is a cynic with no better plans? I believe in a better way.” – Ben Harper ‘Better Way’

We stumble across many inspirational artifacts from all areas of our life on a regular basis. Artifacts ranging from personal experience, travel, arts, music, movies, and the list goes on.

We wanted to share some of these pieces of inspiration more frequently at in addition to the longer articles and ideas we write about.

Ben Harper’s Better Way song is such a piece.

We were listening to random music from our music library the other day and Ben Harper’s Better Way song played randomly.

This time we heard it, we really heard the words.

You know how you can have an experience, read a book or watch a movie and learn something different each time? Well, that’s what happened to us with Ben Harper’s song and we wanted to share.

For us, this piece says to always seek a better way and never settle for what doesn’t make us happy. Let us all seek fulfillment in our lives and a better way for humanity.

So, without further ado, please listen to Ben Harper’s Better Way and be inspired and moved to believe (and act) in a better way…

Change the World & Make Yourself Naturally Happier with 1 Little Book

Instead of waiting until you ‘have more time’ or ‘have more money’ you can do simple daily actions that help you change the world while also benefiting yourself with feeling happier every day.


Shortly after writing my kindness article, Elliot and I stumbled upon a book to help each of us change the world called Change the World for Ten Bucks, which we purchased.

In my kindness article, I discussed the importance of practicing random acts of kindness to make a difference in the world. I also discussed how it benefits both the giver and recipient of kindness with raised serotonin levels, which naturally leads to feeling more happy.

So, let’s combine the two thoughts – By practicing random acts of kindness and the other simple actions discussed in the Change the World book, you can help change the world while also naturally feeling happier each day. (great concept, right?)

About the Book: Change the World for Ten Bucks

It was written by We Are What We Do, a nonprofit organization aiming to inspire every day people to change the world through simple actions. The book has 50 actions that are easy to do during a regular day.

I implement this book by doing one action item each day. The types of action items range from: Continue reading Change the World & Make Yourself Naturally Happier with 1 Little Book

What Will Your Last Words Be?

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano – Jericoacoara, Brazil )

After living a miserable life, Ivan Ilyich’s, the main character from Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich, last words on his deathbed were, “What if my whole life has been wrong?” (Ours will be, “That was a hell of a ride!”)

No one wants to think of themselves saying these profound words on their deathbeds.

Why, then, do so many people choose to live mediocre lives ultimately leaving themselves open for such a harsh end?

We believe it lies largely upon a person’s inability to grow and develop and push their lives to the maximum for their own sake, for their own unique purpose. It is important for finding your life purpose before your dying words because we can all make a difference.

Most people are not living up to their true potential. Most people have given up. Most people have not accomplished the things in their life that are important to them (or are at least going after them).

We provide ideas that will help you along your life path. Continue reading What Will Your Last Words Be?