All posts by Terrah & Elliot

Back in the Saddle Again…

(Photo: Lencois, Brazil)

As Aerosmith so eloquently put it, we’re “back in the saddle” again… and we’re ready to rock it!

After taking a short sabbatical to move to San Francisco, have some rest and relaxation, and experience new things, we are back in the saddle bringing you fresh exciting new content here at

This new content, as always, will be coming purely from our spirits and quest to help humanity live a fulfilling, rewarding, and extraordinary life. We are re-charged and have many ideas for varying forms of content we will be providing in the coming months that we hope moves and inspires you.

With our move to San Francisco, we have once again recreated our lives in the vision that we created for ourselves. In the process of our re-creation and re-birth, we have gained new insights for living that we want to share. We literally manifested every single aspect of our new life here. You can do the same! (as we mentioned in our vision binder article 🙂 )

Photo Copyright Elliot Lozano 'Golden Gate' San Francisco, CA USA

With spring just a few days away, let us all be reminded of its essence signifying coming out of hibernation and into a period of renewal and change.

Let us use this period to live, laugh and love as if there might not be a tomorrow.

Thanks for all your support and we look forward to connecting with you soon.

(As an aside, the photo from above is a picture of Terrah taken in Brazil while she was traveling there for four months. You can read more about her experiences there in her popular article 13 Life Lessons Learned from My i-to-i Travel Experience.)

Sharing a Piece of Inspiration… Ben Harper’s Better Way Song

“What good is a man that won’t take a stand? What good is a cynic with no better plans? I believe in a better way.” – Ben Harper ‘Better Way’

We stumble across many inspirational artifacts from all areas of our life on a regular basis. Artifacts ranging from personal experience, travel, arts, music, movies, and the list goes on.

We wanted to share some of these pieces of inspiration more frequently at in addition to the longer articles and ideas we write about.

Ben Harper’s Better Way song is such a piece.

We were listening to random music from our music library the other day and Ben Harper’s Better Way song played randomly.

This time we heard it, we really heard the words.

You know how you can have an experience, read a book or watch a movie and learn something different each time? Well, that’s what happened to us with Ben Harper’s song and we wanted to share.

For us, this piece says to always seek a better way and never settle for what doesn’t make us happy. Let us all seek fulfillment in our lives and a better way for humanity.

So, without further ado, please listen to Ben Harper’s Better Way and be inspired and moved to believe (and act) in a better way…

Make Money Doing What You Love: Recommendation of Yaro Starak’s & Gideon Shalwick’s Products

Photo Credit: / CC BY 2.0

Background Story:

Have you ever wondered how you can strike a balance between making a living and doing what you love using your passions and talents to serve others? (To symbolize this balance, we chose the photograph of money with Gandhi above.)

This was a question that we pondered prior to stumbling upon blogging and launching this site, 

Briefly, after a series of events (which Elliot mentioned in his article Expressing Gratitude, Embracing Uncertainty & Seizing the Day: Reflections on My Birthday), we accidentally stumbled upon the idea of blogging. During this period, we researched much information on the internet and in print. We searched for the best books and read reviews to see which ones would suit our purposes.

After much research, we purchased the items we actually recommend on our Blogging Resources page.

We read The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging which gives you a sense of purpose with blogging. We also read Problogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income for the making money aspect, which was a fine book in and of itself.

Finally, after reading these two books and actually seeing Yaro Starak’s products being advertised on Darren Rowse’s Problogger website, we decided to give it a go. We signed up for Yaro’s email newsletter as well as received copies of all of the free reports (Roadmap to Become a Blogger, Blog Profits Blueprint, and Membership Site Masterplan).

The free reports and the videos provided lots of quality information for free. And, the funny thing was that we had just happened to sign up for his email newsletter just as Yaro Starak and Gideon Shalwick were re-opening their Become-A-Blogger program.

We lucked out and got in.

The information they provided was great. Gideon’s videos walk you step-by-step through the process of learning how to use the WordPress blogging platform and adding all the extras to make your blog look professional to be able to make money.

Now, we’re not going to write an in-depth review of these products because that’s not what this site is about; however, what we will mention is the aspect of using these products to make money doing what you love. Before moving on, however, we did want to say that we like and recommend Yaro’s and Gideon’s products. (NOTE: this is not about a get-rich-quick scheme; anything worth doing takes lots of effort and hard work.)

So, how do you go about making money doing what you love?

Well, first you have to ask yourself (and answer) – what are your passions and talents? As the saying goes, if you love what you’re doing you never work a day in your life.

Have you always wanted to make a living by expressing your passions and talents? And if you don’t know what your passions and talents are, the easiest way to figure them out is to make a list of all the things you enjoy doing.

Can any of these interests translate into a product or service which you can make a living by teaching or helping others?

  • Do you like to write?
  • Do you have a great eye for photographs?
  • Do you love dogs?
  • Are you the best Italian cook you know?

The list can go on and on. Things that may seem to be a hobby for you could turn into a livelihood.

And, this is where Yaro Starak’s and Gideon Shalwick’s products come into play. They all help you take your passions and talents to create a product or service so that you can get paid to do what you love. Their free reports are all worth reading and reviewing. These reports go much more in depth on considering your passions and talents for using blogging and/or membership sites to make a living online.

The 3 products from Yaro Starak featuring 1 partnered with Gideon Shalwick…

Continue reading Make Money Doing What You Love: Recommendation of Yaro Starak’s & Gideon Shalwick’s Products

An Awe-Inspiring Montage: 17 Breathtaking Photos of the Sun’s Magnificence

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano ‘Radiant Rio’ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words….

We have taken beautiful photographs of the sun in places in the U.S. and beyond and have gathered 17 of them here for your enjoyment. These photographs were taken after being awe-struck in each particular place. We hope the pictures provide 1000 awe-inspiring words to brighten your day and those you share it with.

Please be sure to share this post with others and help spread the word about by utilizing your favorite social media service found below.


(All photographs are Copyright Terrah Lozano, Elliot Lozano, and All Rights Reserved Worldwide.)

Photo Copyright Elliot Lozano 'Expansive Coast' Newport Beach, California
Photo Copyright Elliot Lozano 'Expansive Coast' Newport Beach, California USA
Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano 'Sandia Silhouette' Sandia Mountains, NM USA
Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano 'Sandia Silhouette' Sandia Mountains, NM USA
Photo Copyright Elliot Lozano 'Surreal' Pacific Beach, CA USA
Photo Copyright Elliot Lozano 'Surreal' Pacific Beach, CA USA

Photo Copyright Elliot Lozano 'Shimmering Beauty of Fiji' Fijian Islands, Fiji
Photo Copyright Elliot Lozano 'Shimmering Beauty of Fiji' Fijian Islands, Fiji

Continue reading An Awe-Inspiring Montage: 17 Breathtaking Photos of the Sun’s Magnificence

Waking Up to Life – A Philosophy of Life

(Photo Copyright Elliot Lozano – Riviera Maya, Mexico)

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon

When it all boils down to it, we are all trying to attract or intend something (or many things) into our lives, whether it is a job, more money, a better relationship, happiness or any other desire of life. The list goes on and on and is individual to each of us. We all just want to be happy and fulfilled. The definition of happiness and fulfillment is in itself unique to each of us and gives life meaning.

For us, we have gone down the path towards fulfillment. We have had lots of great fun and enjoyment traveling, spending time with friends and family, endeavoring in many business opportunities, and seeking spiritual enlightenment. All of this has led to us waking up to life and creating a philosophy of life. Continue reading Waking Up to Life – A Philosophy of Life