Tag Archives: kindness

Change the World & Make Yourself Naturally Happier with 1 Little Book

Instead of waiting until you ‘have more time’ or ‘have more money’ you can do simple daily actions that help you change the world while also benefiting yourself with feeling happier every day.


Shortly after writing my kindness article, Elliot and I stumbled upon a book to help each of us change the world called Change the World for Ten Bucks, which we purchased.

In my kindness article, I discussed the importance of practicing random acts of kindness to make a difference in the world. I also discussed how it benefits both the giver and recipient of kindness with raised serotonin levels, which naturally leads to feeling more happy.

So, let’s combine the two thoughts – By practicing random acts of kindness and the other simple actions discussed in the Change the World book, you can help change the world while also naturally feeling happier each day. (great concept, right?)

About the Book: Change the World for Ten Bucks

It was written by We Are What We Do, a nonprofit organization aiming to inspire every day people to change the world through simple actions. The book has 50 actions that are easy to do during a regular day.

I implement this book by doing one action item each day. The types of action items range from: Continue reading Change the World & Make Yourself Naturally Happier with 1 Little Book

Kindness: The Fantastic Natural Drug

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano – Santa Fe, NM USA

Small random acts of kindness go a long way. But how?

There have been studies done that show both the giver and recipient of kindness feel emotions of happiness and naturally have elevated seratonin levels. (Of course, you can also achieve the same effects with drugs such as Prozac, but then that wouldn’t be natural would it?)

You’re probably like, “I could have told you that without a study.”

Well, the interesting part is that any person simply WITNESSING the act of kindness is positively affected as well.

Imagine that! – Acts of kindness are contagious, just as a yawn or a laugh.

We can create an abundance of happiness naturally in our own bodies by simply observing acts of kindness. We can also perform and receive acts of kindness to affect others and make them and ourselves happy.

Think of a time when you witnessed a true act of kindness; a puppy being rescued or a child being loved.  Most of us can’t help but smile by just watching the act and we want to mimic that act in some way.

The side affect of this “natural drug” called kindness is more happiness. What a thought!

This brings me to a story that made me feel warm and fuzzy.

Continue reading Kindness: The Fantastic Natural Drug