Category Archives: Success

Gratitude for’s Healthy Start (with Data)

Expressing gratitude is very important to us here at, so much so that we have a dedicated Gratitude Page.

We wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all our existing (and future) fans and readers. Thank you for making the launch of a success!

We launched on August 21, 2009. We poured our hearts and souls into this project and we didn’t know what to expect once we launched.

We exposed ourselves on the world stage and the world stage reception has been phenomenal.

We have had visitors from 36 countries and territories from around the world!

We’ve had people tell us the website has literally changed their lives and has come to them at the perfect time. This seemed too good to be true at first to us but after hearing it a few more times it sunk in.

We are grateful that we’ve been received with such open arms to the worldwide community.

The Google Analytics Data:

Being about two and a half months young and new to the scene we wanted to share some comparison data up to this point on how has been received around the world. We wanted to provide the Google Analytics data to show the numbers in a measurable way.

For an analogy to best explain the Google data, we compare it to that of a standardized test taken in many countries through their education systems. In this standardized test you are typically compared to others against an average percentile or benchmark.

Google Analytics provides similar benchmarking data. In this data, is categorized under ‘Lifestyles’ in the sub-group ‘Self-Help & Motivational’ sites, which is an extremely competitive category.

These ‘Self-Help & Motivational’ sites we are compared to are of similar size and similar age based on visits. (For more information and to clarify, please visit the Google Analytics information pages – What does sites of similar size mean? & How many sites are in each category?

In essence, Google’s data is a good benchmark for comparison because they have data from a minimum of “100 sites to hundreds of thousands of websites per category“. The more data you can compare yourself against the better.

Based on the benchmarking data of similar sites, should have a very low visitor count up to this point because we are still so new.

However, when compared to sites of similar size and age, we are blowing the benchmark out of the water!

Here is a quick rundown of some key data and what it means. This data is from the time frame August 21, 2009 up to November 9, 2009: Continue reading Gratitude for’s Healthy Start (with Data)

Vita-Mix Review For Your Health Plus 10 Smoothie Recipes

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano ‘Mango Tree’ Tulum, Mexico)

We all know that maintaining our health is an important part of life. If you feel tired or sick, it is hard to conquer your dreams each day and live a fulfilling life.

To help maintain our health, we make fruit smoothies with our Vita-Mix blender almost every day. We have been using our Vita-Mix almost daily for 3 1/2 years (except when traveling).

These smoothies jump start our day with energizing vitamins and taste fantastic. We have experimented with many different lifestyles including veganism and one constant that has always stuck with us is our smoothies.

There are many other things you can do with a Vita-Mix besides making fruit smoothies such as creating instant fresh soups. However, right now our primary use is to make morning smoothies.

Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano 'Man with Cashew Fruit' Canoa Quebrada, Brazil
Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano 'Man with Cashew Fruit' Canoa Quebrada, Brazil

We use the Vita-Mix instead of other blenders as part of our overall health consciousness because it does the following:

  • Better Health: The Vita-Mix breaks through the cell walls better than your teeth can to release the hidden nutrition in whole foods. Research has shown that when you break down the cell walls of your foods, more nutrients are released into the blood stream.
  • Fast: It takes 60 seconds to make whole food juices and smoothies, 4 minutes for hot fresh soups, and 30 seconds for healthy frozen treats.
  • Flavor: The Vita-Mix completely pulverizes whole foods to release full flavor.  This means you don’t have to add sugar, salt, or other condiments to make the meals taste good.

The initial investment of a Vita-Mix seems a bit pricey. We thought the same at first. However, Elliot, being of an analytical mind, wanted to know for certain, so he did a data analysis.

This analysis compared the costs of purchasing the necessary ingredients to make a smoothie at home compared to a retail smoothie shop.

He found a price difference of 4 to 1 per smoothie with the Vita-Mix being 4 times cheaper to make at home versus buying at a retail smoothie shop.

This shows that the machine will pay for itself in no time in terms of cost savings by spending less in the long run and increased nutrition for your and your family’s health.

We have used ours almost daily for 3 1/2 years now and there have been no problems with the machine malfunctioning or breaking down. And, even if it did, the Vita-Mix comes with a 7-year warranty.

So go ahead and purchase a Vita-Mix. We have recommended it to many family members, who have since purchased it themselves and are also enjoying the many benefits.

It even makes a great gift. One family member actually bought one for their son after we recommended it to them initially.

Also try the recipes below and let us know what creations you come up with! All recipes below are good for vegans as well.

10 Vita-Mix Smoothie Recipes For Your Health! Continue reading Vita-Mix Review For Your Health Plus 10 Smoothie Recipes

Destined for Greatness – A Story on the Importance of Learning How to Learn

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Before I get into the heart of this post, I wanted to provide you with a compelling reason for reading this article. I mean, Why should you listen to what I have to say? Why I am telling this story? Why does this matter to you?

Because by listening to what I have to say on the importance of learning how to learn, I hope you acquire the confidence to do it yourself.

“Great ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance; what will your contribution be?” – quoted from the film “The Emperor’s Club”.

The question on the table is, What will your contribution be? What is it you want to do in your life?

After thinking about it, just learn it and do it!

And if you think you are not smart enough to do this, as the prolific inventor Thomas Edison once said, “Intelligence is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” I can tell you from my own experience, most of my success can come down to pure hard work backed by research, trial and error.

Everyone could be destined for greatness if they would just realize their potential. Continue reading Destined for Greatness – A Story on the Importance of Learning How to Learn