Category Archives: Inspiration

Kindness: The Fantastic Natural Drug

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano – Santa Fe, NM USA

Small random acts of kindness go a long way. But how?

There have been studies done that show both the giver and recipient of kindness feel emotions of happiness and naturally have elevated seratonin levels. (Of course, you can also achieve the same effects with drugs such as Prozac, but then that wouldn’t be natural would it?)

You’re probably like, “I could have told you that without a study.”

Well, the interesting part is that any person simply WITNESSING the act of kindness is positively affected as well.

Imagine that! – Acts of kindness are contagious, just as a yawn or a laugh.

We can create an abundance of happiness naturally in our own bodies by simply observing acts of kindness. We can also perform and receive acts of kindness to affect others and make them and ourselves happy.

Think of a time when you witnessed a true act of kindness; a puppy being rescued or a child being loved.  Most of us can’t help but smile by just watching the act and we want to mimic that act in some way.

The side affect of this “natural drug” called kindness is more happiness. What a thought!

This brings me to a story that made me feel warm and fuzzy.

Continue reading Kindness: The Fantastic Natural Drug

Stop Sedating Yourself Through Life

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano – Savusavu, Fiji)

Most people just go through life trying to sedate themselves with anything to avoid their misery. They get lost in movies, television, drinking, too much sleep. They get lost in whatever they can to let life pass them by that much quicker. For what, so they can reach the end of their lives as quickly as possible?

Why would you want to live such a life?

Why don’t you just take a moment to appreciate how much you have going in your life, no matter how small. Revel in the greatness of the smallest moment.

As the small moments add up, they get bigger and bigger.

You can begin to feel joy in your life again.

What this really comes down to is being alive.

This means doing what YOU LOVE, what makes your heart race, and what makes you want to jump out of bed. Seize the day and live your life to the fullest. Carpe Diem! Continue reading Stop Sedating Yourself Through Life

Do you really get it? – Thoughts on the Fear of Change

(Photo Copyright Elliot Lozano – Albuquerque, NM USA)

“If it doesn’t make you happy, don’t do it” and

“If you don’t like something, change it”

These ideas sound simple enough, right? Just change what you don’t like about your life.



But then comes the bogeyman, which are the feelings such as fear and lack of confidence that go along with changing your life.

These feelings of the fear of change prevent changes in life. I once heard the following, “Change is kind of like a band-aid.  It hurts like hell when you pull it off but once it’s off it feels great.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.

It takes a while to pull that band-aid off. Continue reading Do you really get it? – Thoughts on the Fear of Change

Have We Been Doing it All Wrong?

(Photo Copyright Terrah Lozano – Salvador, Brazil)

This is an inspirational story on having a full life by living life simple. This story reminds us that we all must put things into perspective and find the little joys that life offers us daily.  We must remember to enjoy the moment and not wait until we have built up our fortunes and successes before we take time to enjoy life.

Money does not buy happiness, and being poor does not allow you to help others. We must strike a balance between ambition and meaning.

Enjoy the story and please pass it on to someone you think may benefit using your favorite service found at the end of this article.

Mexican Fishing Story – Author Unknown

A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An American tourist complimented the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took him to catch them.

“Not very long,” answered the Mexican.

“But then, why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more?” asked the American.

The Mexican explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs and those of his family.

The American asked, “But what do you do with the rest of your time?” Continue reading Have We Been Doing it All Wrong?

Inaugural Post

(We hope you got a laugh out of our Now Open sign above. lol )

After countless hours of work, research and limited sleep, we now bring to you live!

An idea that came from NO-thing to SOME-thing out of the recesses of our mind and passion.

We have been working diligently around the clock to put together a great website with tons of great information that we hope you can spend loads of time on.

Please utilize all the social media provided within each post and throughout the site to share with your friends and family.

We wanted to take a moment to say that we appreciate all the love and support we have been receiving from our friends and family during this time. They have lent us their helpful ears as we question them to see if our site looks like a site they would want to visit to bring about the best user experience for our readership.

We are grateful for the experiences we have had in our lives to be able to bring this information to you and play our role in providing service to humanity.

We are excited to bring this live and there will be much more to come. Stay tuned!